Guess is fated that milky gorgor choose to pass away on my 1 yr old birthday so its easier for mummy to remember.He is old n sick for few days but mummy feel its diffcult to take leave to bring him to see vet since her previous job forever short of manpower,anyway she feel its her fault coz she get too personal n always think of others,she should just dun bother n took the leave. Next day we went to chalet to celebrate my birthday after we came home mummy faster brought him to see vet, vet say he got virus n prescribe medication.At the vet his ear is wash n cut his nail n mummy went to supermarket to buy some meat n cook porriage for him coz he didn't eat well for the past few days.At night dunno why mummy just feel v sad n worried mayb its her six sense she cry abit n around 6 am suddenly she just wake up n check on milky gorgor n suddenly feel he is not moving so she faster wake daddy up n realise he has gone to heaven.Mummy faster arrange for people to collect his bodies to burried n faster call ah ma to come over our house to chant for him.Tat day mummy went for shopping n lunch celebration at vivo city w a swollen eye.Milky gorgor is mummy's 1st dog n with her for 10 yrs tats y she will feel so sad. Mummy have been waiting for him to appear in her dream but he never.WIsh he can faster reincarnate n next life be mumm'y son again.Mummy got to be sad for another 2 time n she will not keep anymore dog coz its a pain.Milky we will always remember u.